A Message From Founder

I am very glad to see that Shweta Convent School is imparting a wholesome learning to the growing students. It is teaching them how to express their views eloquently, to distinguish between the right and the wrong, to behave towards others graciously and to accommodate themselves to others modesty.
The ALMANAC has been planned with a view help students and to inculcate the habit of doing assigned work regularly. Students are advised to take down the instructions given by the teachers regarding home work. Students are not to ask parents to do the home work for them. They are to seek their guidance only. Students must remember the home work instructions given by the teachers before they start work at home.
I pray to God that the spirit of your co-operation may prevail for the coming years. Best wishes and regards!


Sri. Satish Chandra Jaiswal

A Message From Director

Education has been one of the most influenced instruments of modernization in India. It has the modernization of people’s aspiration or nationalism, liberalism and freedom. It alone has been responsible for the growth of an enlightment which is carried forward not only a movement for independence but also a relentless struggle for social and cultural reforms. It has created a sub-cultural of students in India which though not fully modern, containing element of transition from tradition to modernity. The most powerful tool in the process of modernization as well as development is education based on science & technology
Ignorance is the root cause of many evils. It is the outcome of illiteracy. Hence, people must be educated, more and more schools should be made.
“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.”

– Sydney J. Harris

Smt. Beena Jaiswal

A Message From Principal

Associated with higher education for a long time, I also work for elementary education to implant human value among students because I see the depletion of human values in our daily life. I see regularly in my college teaching life and then I feel the most important stage of a human is childhood, in which we implant duty, peace, love and truth, with determination to lead the best future among our children. I am inclined toward CBSE school and I changed schools in Varanasi.

Shweta Convent School provides a safe and positive learning environment where each student is unique and valued and learning opportunities are provided to ensure the success of all the students under my guidance. As an educator I wish to get support from our parents, teacher, administrator and committee to save our country by these children. I welcome those in Shweta Convent English School who strive for education and Excellence.


A Message From Vice-Principal

We think that acquisition of success in life is nothing but importance of values of time and action & reaction of the latent forces of the brain and sensory organs and generative cells which make a full decision to approach to the competition. If these forces are well regulated, started and trained a 100 percent acquisition in any field can be achieved.

The circulation of brain, nervous system, full conscious and preconscious stages of mind have marvelous and patent impressions of child’s behavior perceptions, conceptions, thought, feelings, actions memories and some other responsible factors give success or failure in life. The factors to start working from very early age means before four years become meaningless but after and onward the talent becomes more important and influential for child’s future development. The personality of a child grows gradually under the qualities nurtured in a child. Our approaches to competition are psychologically observed to secure the result.
