
The course of studies is oriented towards the Central Board of Secondary Education Examinations.
The medium of instructions is English the international language of today. Hindu, however, has a vital role in the curriculum and is taught daily in all standards. The education at time it is Indian and firmly rooted in Indian history and tradition. The curriculum ,therefore, embraces English(Literature and Sanskrit), History, Geography , Social Studies, Computer, Biology. An additional subject or prime importance is Moral Science or Value Education

School Regulations

School Regulations Students should arrive at the school at least 15 minutes before assembly. No one who has been late may be admitted to class without an admission slip from the Principal.

  1. Silence within the class room in mandatory. While changing class room, show concern for other classes in progress.
  2. Books, magazines, comics or newspaper may not be brought to the school without explicit permission.
  3. Damage to school property is repaired at the cost of the responsible party.
  4. The school in not responsible for goods lost Students are advised not to bring valuable. articles to school. Books, bags, pencil boxes, carriers or any other children’s personal belonging must bear the name tag.
  5. In case of a contagious disease in their homes, the students should not return to school without the usual clearance from the doctor.
  6. Any student found suing unfair means during an examination will be debarred from further examinations and is liable to be detained/expelled.
  7. When school is in session, parents should not visit the classes or meet the teacher without explicit permission.
  8. No student of SCS in permitted to drive a motorized vehicle without the written permission of the parents and the Principal.
  9. Students are not permitted to leave the school campus at any time during the school hours. Parents are advised not to request the office for such permission.
  10. Parents are advised not to send a sick child to school.
  11. Pupils must be present on the opening day of each term (Summer, Dussehra, Winter) failing to which 2 marks will be deducted from each subject.
  12. No provision is made for supplementary tests for those who remain absent from test and terminal examinations. No provision for re-examination or promotion on trail is made for failed candidates.
  13. All students are expected to join the school on the notified date at the beginning of the session. A fine of Rs.50/- is imposed for absence on the re-opening date, unless Principal is informed before the beginning of the session and satisfied about the reason. Students will not leave before the end of the term which officially ends after the flag assembly on the last day. Parents and guardians will appreciate that absence during term is not in the best interest of the student. They are asked not to apply for leave if it can possibly be avoided,